Pacific Co-op Electric in Los Angeles

Here’s the video about progressive economics and labor, that the times
prospective article was formed from.

Our Story

An Electricians Coop was always a goal for Raph Christian.
Having a business that supported his community was always a goal for Somerset Waters.

While both were at a crossroads in their careers in early 2013, The LA WORCS business incubator had started doing their entrepreneurial meetings at the LA Eco-Village. Both Raph and Somerset hit these meetings with strong plans already in gear and forged a partnership that got them incorporating their business by the end of 2013.

Both Raph and Somerset have years of being engaged with the IBEW Electrical Union through their careers. They both have seen where the Union can have their back, but also see the 1000+ laid-off electricians that hit the union books on a regular basis.

They both have also seen what a well oiled machine a company could be from their common history at SolarCity. What they both saw possible was a well oiled shop that didn’t exploit their workers and supported their community through creating jobs, keeping their jobs in their community “consistuency,” and creating more energy independance through their solar program that doesn’t rob their clients.

Pacific Electric Worker-Owned LLC is the first modern Worker-Owned Coop in the Los Angeles Area. Inspired by the extensive history of Cooperatives, and a recession that brought many to their knees and others to a lavish perch, the goal of both is to create some democracy where they can, and spread it around.

Our first prospective owner is Kat Rae Johnston. An electrical apprentice and community member of the Church of Fun.
Our first prospective salesman is Jason Morris. So far our reception has been rich.

 Contact Us
Feel free to contact us for any of your electrical needs for your home or business, including:

  • 24-hour emergency service
  • Free consultations for solar, energy efficiency, off-grid or new construction
  • Quote-by-phone for service-repair*

You can reach us by phone or email at:

  • (213) 400-0614 (please no non-emergency calls after 4pm)

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!

The PEWOC Team

* quotes for convenience only – estimates subject to actual service/repair conditions, but our members want your referrals and continued business, and do our best to accurately set our customers’ expectations.

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